714 • 321 • 1665

Reporting & Analysis

Advanced Reporting and Analysis Tools and Talent to Drive Good Results Further

Even the best marketing strategies need to be proven. And those that aren’t delivering the same good results need to be optimized to increase performance. That’s where Reporting and Analysis comes into play. Mandzok Marketing’s team of data analysis experts know how to get the full picture to turn around poor performing campaigns and take good performing campaigns to greatness.

  • Data drives better decision making and helps identify and expand marketing successes.
  • Proper reporting allows for increased optimization of existing programs
  • By analyzing data, new opportunities are often uncovered.
  • Reporting and analysis for a higher education client revealed the opportunity to create a custom landing page to serve a hidden market segment. The result of the effort was an increase in new students of more than 35%.
  • Sophisticated reporting showed that most potential new customers for one client abandoned the shopping cart during the site registration process. The process was changed to allow guests to checkout without creating accounts. The result was a 24% reduction in abandoned carts.
  • Eye-tracking reports for a client generating leads revealed that most visitors to his landing page were not scrolling down far enough to see the lead form. Moving the form further up the page lead to an increase in the conversion rate of 32%.
  • Regular performance reports that highlight the components of your specific campaigns.
  • Deep-dive analysis to uncover hidden opportunities.
  • Specific Testing Result reports used in conjunction with user engagement programs.

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